I am an aspiring
I’m an intermediate software developer and here is my portfolio website. Here you’ll learn about my journey as a developer.

About Me

Hey,my name is Sweta Kumari ,a student of IIT(BHU) Varanasi from Electrical Engineering first year and This is my portfolio website. Here,you will get to know about my skillset and the past mini projects which i've worked upon.


Hobbies:listenig songs, exploring new career domains…still on exploration mode:>





A health consultation Platform to get medical services from anywhere.


LFX Mentorship Metrics

A platform aimed to help open source contributors aspiring to contribute in LFX.


Dev Detective

A platform built to view the GitHub profile details of a user upon searching their name.


Weather App

A website to see the full information of the weather of any city searched.


Me and
MyTech Stack

Hi Everyone!My name is Sweta Kumari.I am a first-year B.Tech student in Electrical Engineering at IIT BHU from the Batch of 2022. Hailing from the vibrant city of Dhanbad, Jharkhand, I have always been fascinated by the endless possibilities that the world of technology offers.

With an insatiable curiosity to explore the ever-evolving realm of tech, I am on a quest to learn and master various tech stacks. I believe that continuous learning is the key to staying ahead in this dynamic field. Currently, I am honing my skills in web development and competitive programming, both of which I find immensely captivating.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I am an enthusiastic member of the Technex content team and I have been actively participating in many case studies and competitions like Vision'23 ,Mazex of Technex'23,BASH 5.0,DEBUGIT,etc.

Through this portfolio website, I aim to showcase my passion for technology, highlight my ongoing projects, and share my journey of personal and professional growth. I hope to connect with like-minded individuals, collaborate on exciting ventures, and make a positive impact in the world of tech.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. Let's embark on this incredible journey of discovery together!







Contact Me

If you have any work from me or any type of query you can send me message from here.It's my pleasure to help you.